Moomun is a monk of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, which is the representative institute of Korean Buddhism. He has devoted himself to Seon (Zen) meditation and martial arts training since becoming a monk. Prior to this he had learned Taoist martial arts and meditation as a cultivating mind/body method. He practices the Korean traditional martial art Sibpalki and he helped establish the Korean Traditional Martial Arts Society of the Seoul National University.

Read more: Moomun, buddhist monk (Dongguk University)


Prof. Kim graduated from Keimyung University in Daegu, South Korea, and the Bordeaux ll Universite in France. He obtained a doctorate degree with his anthropological study of oriental martial arts origins.

Read more: Prof. Min Ho Kim (Youngsan University)


Professor Hyung Suk Song is a faculty member of the Department of Taekwondo, Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea.

Read more: Prof. Hyung Suk Song (Keimyung University)

Prof Walraven's inspiration:
An old shaman stands barefoot on top of a pair of razor-sharp blades and speaks to a god called the Chinese General. Above her head, every thirty seconds, jet airliners pass on their way to and from the international airport of Seoul. Two different worlds, the past and the present some might be inclined to say. But it is all part of 21st-century Korea and it should be understood as such. The next day the shaman herself will travel by air to foreign countries, for a holiday or to perform a ritual. Alternatively, an executive from one of the big industrial conglomerates may come to visit her to ask for advice. In his studies of Korean culture from the fifteenth century to the present day he breaks away from dichotomies like modern and pre-modern, past and present, East and West.

Read more: Prof. Boudewijn Walraven (Leiden University)


Dr. Choi is currently affiliated with the Leiden University as a visiting lecturer on Korean martial arts theory and practise.

Read more: Dr. Bok Kyu Choi (Leiden University)